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Your loved one might be dealing with opiates unknown to you, and this might be the reason why they are acting in a way that you’re not used to. Similarly, you might observe some changes in their physical appearance, but you are unaware of what they are going through.

When you know how to spot the signs of opiate addiction, it becomes easier to know how to suggest treatment help so that they can get better.

Here are some of the signs of opiates addiction

Drop in performance at work or school

When someone is addicted to opiates, it can affect important aspects of their lives like school or work. For those of them working in an organization, it might be difficult for them to meet up with the demands at work.

Their productivity will drop, and it will be obvious to their colleagues. Some of them might show up late to work, or even be absent for some days.

Similarly, if a student is addicted to opiates, they might not be present at school, and they will record poor grades because they are less focused than before.

Changes in sleep patterns

An opiate addict will find it difficult to maintain a stable sleep pattern. They might struggle with insomnia or hypersomnia. When you observe that your loved one doesn’t have a regular sleep pattern, they might be dealing with opiates.

Mood changes

Another way to spot opiate addicts is through their mood. They will experience excessive mood swings ranging from hostility to elation. This means that they can be happy one minute, and the next minute, they are angry or depressed.  

Changes in physical appearance

You can also observe the signs of opiate addiction in your loved ones from their physical appearance. Some of these symptoms are sores, wounds, weight loss, poor hygiene, constricted pupils, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, poor coordination, and motor skills.

If you think that your loved one is struggling with opiate addiction, you can speak to a healthcare provider who can create an addiction treatment plan for them.

If you are concerned about not getting addicted to opiates, there are some steps you can take to ensure this.

Most times, people take opiates to help them manage pain. But, some of them continue to use these drugs even when they don’t feel pain, and this is because of the euphoric feeling that it provides. In this post, you will learn how to prevent opiate addiction even while managing pain.

Work closely with your doctor

One of the major mistakes that people make is taking drugs without the knowledge of their doctor. Before you use opiates, ensure that your healthcare provider is aware, so that they can guide you on the right way to go.

You can work openly with your doctor to create an inclusive pain management plan which has all the possible options.

Don’t break the rules when using opiates

When using opiates, ensure that you stick to the dosage and frequency instead of taking them based on how you feel. Remember that drugs work best when you use them according to the prescribed dosage. Additionally, don’t take opioids with substances like alcohol.

If you want to take opioids with other drugs, inform your healthcare provider to avoid complicating your health. If you observe any side effects, reach out to your doctor instantly, and if you stop using the drugs, ensure they are aware.  

Don’t buy opiates over-the-counter

Many people are addicted to opiates because they are easily accessible. These set of people can get opiates from over-the-counter and other means, so anytime they feel like taking it, they can obtain it with little or no effort.

When you get drugs over the counter, it comes with no prescriptions or warnings. This might be risky because you are unaware of the side effects that come with that opiate.

Ultimately, when it comes to how you handle the pain with drugs, ensure your healthcare provider is always in the loop. Before you take any action, always inform them.